
The Marine Protected Areas Monitoring Enterprise was established in 2007 to monitor the California consortium of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) for the first time ever. The organization has access to essential monitoring data that can be used to help state agencies and resource managers make critical decisions about ocean health and sustainability. With the right tools, protected habitats could be tracked to ensure adaptive management and ongoing vitality.


Amplifier takes a modern approach to build and deploy high-quality technology tools for social change. We partnered with the Monitoring Enterprise director to create a comprehensive five-year budget for the program. Together, we envisioned the Monitoring Enterprise Hub, a technology solution with a range of analytical and communication products for MPA monitoring.

We moved from idea to impact, collaborating with scientists on the ground to plan and build the comprehensive online platform for data access, monitoring and sharing. Amplifier worked iteratively within our strategy and digital teams to develop and test the first version of the Monitoring Enterprise Hub and ensure its viability moving forward.



Monitoring Enterprise spent the better part of 2013 reaching across their network and building communities to populate OceanSpaces.org, its spin on the new technology platform, which evolved into an online community that stewards and communicates MPA monitoring data. In its first year of activity, OceanSpaces grew to 600+ members, with data sharing and multimedia resources garnering more than 30,000 page views to date.

“The platform brings everyone together—scientists, fishermen, resource managers, policymakers and citizens—offering new opportunities for individuals to communicate, create and share information.”

Ocean Spaces Team

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